10 Easy & Fun School Counselor Zoom Activities

Looking for easy ways to engage students on Zoom?! I have been using these methods over the course of a mix of in person and virtual learning this school year. These 10 activities are time tested and School Counselor approved!

#1 Conversation Starters 

Students love the questions in these EaZy PeaZy conversation starters. Students love the characters and connect with the situations. They are very easy to use. Click to check them out.

#2 Would you rather questions

Students love talking about what they would rather do. This set is perfect for K-3rd grade. I purchased this set off of TPT and love it! 

#3 Can you guess what I'm saying? 

Turn your camera off and tell everyone one thing about yourself. Everyone in the group has to decipher what you are saying

#4 Scavenger Hunt

Use the numbered list to find one item in the student's house. Keep track of points and see who can find the item first.

#5 Zoom Whiteboard Tic, Tac, Toe

Make a connection to student's feelings during each turn. Before each of their turns they can identify what makes them sad, mad, worried, and happy. School Counselors can also ask students to identify a coping skill before each of their turns

#6 Mystery Person

Have each group member write 3 things about themselves. Have students send their 3 facts to the facilitator ahead of time. The facilitator can either read all 3 facts at one time or rotate one fact at a time and have students guess who the mystery person is. 

#7 5 Second Rule 

Pull a card and say the name of 3 cartoon characters and you have 5 seconds to guess. If the first person doesn't guess it, it goes to the next person, so and so forth. Students love this game and they really enjoy the conversation 

#8 Perspective Pictures

We all see things from different perspectives. Use the perspective pictures attached to ask the student/group members what they see in each of the pictures. Students LOVE perspective pictures. 

#9 Twoplayergames.org  

Uno Online is my personal favorite. It is nice way for students to engage in conversation all while playing a game online. 

#10 Digital SEL Activities

The EaZy PeaZy series is now completely digital. All of the stories include a digital version of the story that you can screen share on Zoom and a Google Link to the activities. Many of the stories include a game that can be played by having students take turns. 

Seesaw as Counseling Tool #2 (Intermediate)

I know that basics. What else can I add to my School Counseling Program? 

Seesaw as Counseling tool #2 is all about what can I add to my School Counseling Program. 

Here are some of the ideas that you can glean from this FREE tutorial:
~Organization-Folders, Collections, & Tabs to add ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors ~Creating your own templates and how to images files
~Creating engaging lessons and how to add upload those lessons into Seesaw ~Archiving work ~Virtual Learning Tips

If you interested in the first lesson Seesaw as a Counseling Tool #1 feel free to check out this link. https://youtu.be/AlqhIuzLTcI

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, counselorkatiekc@gmail.com 


Tech Tip #3 Seesaw as a Counseling Tool #1 Beginners

 Seesaw as a Counseling Tool #1

In this video tutorial we take a look at all the essential areas that are necessary to begin your journey with Seesaw and how it can be an amazing tool for School Counselors. I started using Seesaw back in 2017 and have found it to be a great tool for engagement. Let's take a look at what this FREE video has to offer. 

Here are some of the main topics covered in this video:

  • What account do I have and what impact will that have on classroom lessons, small groups, & one on ones with students? Free, Seesaw + or Seesaw for Schools
  • Pro's and Con's of being a Co-Teacher vs. Having my own classroom(s)
  • How do I add search for activities? 
  • How do I add activities? 
  • What are all the tabs and how do I use them? 
  • Enabling or not enabling family access and how this could have an impact on facilitating one on one sessions and group sessions 
  • Should I set up separate classes for groups and/or one on one sessions? 
  • & Tons of extra tips 

Let me know if you have any questions by responding below. I look forward to hearing about all the great things happening on Seesaw this school year! 

Tech Tip #2 FlipGrid as a Counseling Tool

FlipGrid is a FREE app/web based tool for educators. I have been using it for years and absolutely love it as a School Counselor! In this video I help explain how to use FlipGrid as a School Counselor K-Grad School. 

Check out the video! 


Feel free to sign up for my email list and receive 21st Century Learning Tools for School Counselors! In addition, catch me on Instagram and Teachers Pay Teachers. 

Counselor Katie's Tech Tips! A new YouTube series! #1 ChatterPix as a Counseling Tool

Now is as great time to expand our knowledge of tech tools that we can use in School Counseling. I have decided to share my knowledge on my YouTube channel. This first episode will outline my use of ChatterPix in my program. It will also give you additional ideas on how to use the app to add vest to your program.  I love this tech tool.  Here is the video link. 

I hope you enjoy ChatterPix as much as I do! Please let me know in the comments how you are using Chatterpix.